Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Office > Social Ministries

Parish Social Ministry

The Office of Social Ministries supports parishes in their social/justice and peace ministries.  We work with parishes to educate parishioners to live out the Gospel by serving their neighbors and those in need around the world through charity and justice.  We also offer support and spiritual formation for people involved in ministry including:

  • Training Workshops
  • Faith Formation
  • Presentations
  • Team Building
  • Logistical Planning
  • Networking Support
  • Spiritual retreats and Service Opportunities


Common training workshops include volunteer recruitment and support, cross cultural ministry, spirituality of service, starting or renewing your ministry, integrating living gospel values into parish life and catholic social teaching.

Parish Social Minister Development

OSM is available to train, equip, and support Parish Social Ministers to effectively bring Christ’s justice and peace to marginalized people. This happens through regional events, diocesan formation, and diocesan events.
