For more information, http://www.ministryleaderconvocation.org
Registration deadline is Friday, April 20 at 12:00 Noon
Seating is limited. Register today at www.regonline.com/MLC2018

Pastoral Center, Richmond (Live)
Saint Andrew, Roanoke (Streaming)
East Vicariate–TBA (Streaming)
Click here for a flyer with details. To register: https://bit.ly/2Odod4B

Presentation at Diocesan Learning Center at Holy Trinity, Norfolk
Streaming to Pastoral Center, Richmond and Saint Andrew, Roanoke
This event is planned especially for the catechetical leaders in our diocesan parishes as an opportunity for pastoral and spiritual formation. However, we also encourage the participation of any parish leader/staff who has worked for the church and has grappled with the challenges of parish ministry leadership, especially during the “hard times” of the church. The day ends in hope as we recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit still dwelling in the Church. Click here to register.