Msgr. Mark R. Lane
LPA’s 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
This session will feature a panel including a moral theologian, physician, priest, and attorney. The panelists will discuss Church teaching as it relates to moral issues that may arise at the end of one’s life such as the boundaries of ordinary versus extraordinary care and what you should consider when creating an Advance Medical Directive or attaining a health care proxy.
This session will feature a panel including a representative from Catholic Charities, a physician from Bon Secours, and a representative from the Diocese of Richmond’s residential adult care centers. They will discuss the different types of care, residential facilities, and what kinds of things to consider when you are facing a decision about long-term care.
This session will feature three separate presentations from an expert on funeral planning in the Catholic Church, the Diocesan Director of Cemeteries, and an experienced Catholic estate attorney. They will discuss best practices for your family regarding funeral planning, funeral homes, cemeteries, estate planning, and estate management.

For more information,
Registration deadline is Friday, April 20 at 12:00 Noon
Seating is limited. Register today at
Joining us will be an ethicist and physician from Bon Secours Richmond Health System. The speakers will discuss issues that often arise with advanced care planning such as: What is the difference between ordinary versus extraordinary care? What should I consider when creating an Advance Medical Directive or attaining a health care proxy? How do I maintain the integrity of my Catholic faith when making these decisions?
World Youth Day is an unbelievable week-long spiritual journey where pilgrims from all over the world unite to share their faith. The week includes prayer, song, concerts, drama, sharing, liturgy, catechesis, and an unforgettable vigil and closing Mass with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. In 1984, Pope John Paul II invited young people from all over the world to participate in a pilgrimage at the very first World Youth Day. Since then they have been held in Argentina, Spain, Poland, US, Philippines, France, Italy, Canada, Germany, Australia, Madrid, Brazil, and Poland.