Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Office > Haiti Ministry


Haiti Healthcare Support Team is a specialized committee of the Haiti Ministry Commission.

The Haitian Healthcare Support Team (HHST) seeks to support the critically important work of the Diocese of Hinche Health Commission, which has several initiatives to achieve a sustainable health care infrastructure for Haiti’s Central Plateau and improve access to health care for all.  Over half the population have not access to health care, and those who do face limited services and cost barriers. There are 28 clinics and 9 infirmaries for the 700,000 people in the Central Plateau but 30% are not functioning at this time. Several traditional NGOs have left the region and the Catholic Diocese of Hinche has taken the lead for health care and education.  They need our support and prayers!


Haiti Healthcare Support Team Main Goals and Objectives

  1. To serve as a resource for healthcare initiatives by Richmond parishes
  2. To work closely with Hinche Healthcare Commission to support healthcare in the Diocese of Hinche
  3. To provide informational memos on relevant topics
  4. To find other possible partnerships in healthcare for parish in both dioceses.

Haiti Healthcare Support Team Members

  • Dr. Kurt Elward | Church of the Incarnation, Charlottesville
  • Anne Knasel, MD | Saint Thomas Aquinas, Charlottesville
  • David Gilligan, MD | Saint Mary Catholic Church, Richmond
  • Joel Schmidt, MD | Saint Michael the Archangel, Glen Allen
  • Diane Biskobing, MD
  • Clair Fowlkes
  • August Sanusi, MD | Saint Thomas Aquinas, Charlottesville
  • David Park
  • James Schmidt, MD, MSPH
  • Sarah Johnson
  • Monica Walker
  • Gary Sargent | St. Michael’s, Richmond
  • Fr. Herald Jean | Diocese of Hinche
  • We are also blessed to have representatives from Midwives for Haiti

Specific projects under development

Specific Projects under development

  1. Medication Program,  whereby clinics can access medications and supplies more efficiently and economically through group purchases by the Diocese.
  2. Expansion of a Mobile Clinic service to schools and remote areas of the Central Plateau.
  3. Clinician training  programs, particularly in Mental Health care
  4. Development of a school health program for both students and teachers.
  5. Creation of local health committees for all parishes in the Diocese.

Get involved

Our focus is to facilitate the health care goals of the Haitian people in sustainable and effective ways. With the current political and social unrest in Haiti, there is an even more urgent need to support our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ  With your support, you can make a lasting impact.

Please contact us, email the Office of Social Ministries for more information on how you can join us in these grass-roots efforts.

HHST Meeting Minutes




Minutes of the Haiti Healthcare Support Team May 22, 2023

Minutes of Haiti Healthcare Support Team September 18, 2023

Haiti Healthcare Known Projects 2023

Haiti Healthcare Parish Twinning Survey Results 2023


Useful Links and Resources