The Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI) provides ministry formation to those who hold catechetical or youth ministry leadership positions in the Diocese of Richmond.
LEMI enables you to:
2024 LEMI Commissioning
Why Lay Ecclesial Ministry?
“Lay persons who devote themselves permanently or temporarily to some special service of the Church are obliged to acquire the appropriate formation which is required to fulfill their function properly and to carry it out conscientiously, zealously, and diligently.” – Code of Canon Law, Canon 231
His Excellency Bishop Knestout explains the value of lay formation:
Who is a Lay Ecclesial Minister?
A Lay Ecclesial Minister is a lay man or women whose ecclesial service is characterized by:
Pastors recommend LEMI formation for parish staff:
Who chooses Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI)?
In the Diocese of Richmond, the men and women who choose formation through LEMI are:
Explore more about LEMI: Program Structure | Application Process