Saint Theresa - Farmville, Est. 1939
In Cumberland County, beginning at the juncture of the Powhatan-Cumberland County line and Davis Creek, south and east along the Powhatan-Cumberland, Amelia-Cumberland, Amelia-Prince Edward, Prince Edward-Nottoway, Prince Edward-Lunenburg, Charlotte-Lunenburg County lines to the Central-Bacon, Central-Roanoke, Walton-Roanoke, Madison-Roanoke, Madison-Mid Way magisterial district line to the Charlotte-Campbell County line, north on the Charlotte-Campbell, Charlotte-Appomattox, Prince Edward-Appomattox, Prince Edward-Buckingham, Cumberland-Buckingham County lines to VA-696, east on VA-696 to Toll Gate Forest Road, east on Toll Gate Forest Road to VA-625, east on VA-625 to VA-45, north on VA-45 to VA-607, east on V A-607 to VA-616, south on VA-616 to Davis Creek, east along Davis Creek to the Powhatan-Cumberland County line, which is the starting point.