Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Statement from Bishop Barry C. Knestout on the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

For Immediate Release: January 27, 2021

“As we mark the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we have many for whom to pray: For the woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy, that she will choose life for her child, and for legislative representatives that they enact legislation to protect the lives of all people — from conception to natural death.

“Our commitment to life begins with the child in the womb, but it does not end there. It continues with our commitment to health care, adequate food and housing, and quality education. It requires stewardship of our environment and includes advocating for abolition of capital punishment and for dignity in dying a natural death.

“Today, as we remember the unborn, let us remember that to be truly “pro-life” is to be respectful and protective of all human life.”

