Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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President of U.S. Bishops Conference Responds to Explosions at Two Coptic Churches


April 9, 2017 WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has issued the following statement in response to explosions on Palm Sunday at two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt that have killed at least 40 and injured at least 100: “In the early hours of Palm Sunday, as Christians…

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President & Vice President of U.S. Bishops Conference Respond to Syria Chemical Attack


April 5, 2017 Syrian Chemical Attack “Shocks the Soul” WASHINGTON—  Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, vice president of the USCCB, have issued the following joint statement on yesterday’s chemical weapons attack in northern Syria. Full statement follows:…

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Cardinal Dolan Welcomes Congressional Action to Nullify Title X Rule


March 31, 2017 WASHINGTON—Cardinal Timothy Dolan, chair of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, praised both chambers of the U.S. Congress for taking action to nullify a bad policy imposed by the Obama Administration. Congress’ joint resolution of disapproval (H.J. Res 43 / S. Res. 13) was passed by the House in mid-February, and by…

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Bishop’s Statement on Passing of Cardinal Keeler


March 23, 2017 Richmond, VA – The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo released the following statement today on the passing of William Cardinal Keeler, 14th Archbishop of Baltimore: “Today, I, along with the clergy, religious communities and the faithful of the Diocese of Richmond, offer our prayers to the Catholic community within the Archdiocese of…

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Bishops’ Statement on Governor’s Veto


Bishop Michael Burbidge & Bishop Francis DiLorenzo Statement on Governor’s Veto of Bill Defending Right of Religious Organizations to Practice Faith March 23, 2017 Virginia – For the second straight year, Governor McAuliffe has vetoed legislation that would have protected clergy and religious organizations from being punished by the state because they follow the deeply…

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Bishop appoints President for Bishop Sullivan H.S.


3/21/2017 Richmond, VA – The Most Reverend Francis Xavier DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, is pleased to announce the appointment of Father Dan Beeman, Vicar, Catholic Mission and Identity, as the transitional President of Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School.  The appointment is effective immediately.  Bishop Sullivan CHS is currently in the process of recruiting and naming…

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USCCB Chairman to Congress on Health Care Policy


USCCB Chairmen Call on Congress to Consider Moral Criteria During Debates on Health Care Policy March 8, 2017 WASHINGTON—As Congress prepares to discuss possible changes to the Affordable Care Act, the chairmen of four United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committees called on lawmakers to consider important moral criteria, especially pertaining to the most vulnerable…

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St. Gregory the Great Principal Called to Serve


March 1, 2017 Gina Ibarra Coss, Principal of St. Gregory the Great, Virginia Beach, was featured in an article in the Virginia Pilot. It is an inspiring account of her call to serve, first as a teacher, and then as an administrator.  

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USCCB Responds to DHS Immigration Memo


February 23, 2017 U.S. Bishops Chair on Migration Responds to DHS Memoranda on Immigration Enforcement and Border Security Washington, D.C. – On February 20, 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued two memoranda implementing Executive Orders 13768 and 13767, relating to border and interior immigration enforcement. In response to the memoranda, the Most Reverend Joe…

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Virginia Bishops Issue Statement about Governor’s Veto


February 21, 2017 Virginia Catholic Bishops Statement on Governor McAuliffe’s Veto of Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood Richmond, VA – For the second consecutive year, Gov. Terry McAuliffe has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the nation’s largest abortion provider – at the expense of comprehensive health care for women. This morning, Gov. McAuliffe vetoed HB 2264, which would have…

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