EthicsPoint is an independent reporting service that allows clergy, employees, volunteers, parishioners, vendors and other interested parties to comfortably report concerns of misconduct. Reports can be made anonymously (if preferred) and confidentially via the telephone or online.
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Victim survivors who were sexually abused by clergy of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond are encouraged to first disclose any instance of abuse to the civil authorities before contacting the Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC). The Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC) works with victim survivors of abuse to compassionately and respectfully accompany them on their paths toward healing.
Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service (CBAR)
The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service has been established to receive reports of sexual abuse and related misconduct by bishops and to relay those reports to proper Church authorities for investigation. Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.