Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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2023 Kenedy Directory Statistics

Bishop: 1
Retired Abbot: 0

Priests Diocesan Active in Diocese: 71
Priests Diocesan Active Outside Diocese: 4
Priests Retired, Sick or Absent: 59
Number of Diocesan Priests: 134

Religious Priests in Diocese: 20

Extern (International) Priests in Diocese: 51

Total Priests in Diocese: 154

Diocesan Priests: 1
Transitional Deacons: 2
Permanent Deacons in Diocese: 151

Total Brothers: 2
Total Sisters: 103

Parishes: 135
With Resident Pastor
Resident Diocesan Priests: 101
Resident Religious Priest: 6
Without Resident Pastor
Administered by Priests: 38
Missions: 10
Closed Parishes: 0

Catholic Hospitals: 9
Homes for the Aged: 7

Total Seminarians: 25

High Schools, Diocesan & Parish: 4
High Schools, Private: 5
Total Students: 1,888

Elementary Schools, Diocesan & Parish: 21
Elementary Private: 3
Total Elementary Students: 7,597

Total Students in Catholic Schools: 9,485

Teachers in the Diocese

Brothers: 1
Sisters: 11
Lay Teachers: 990

Vital Statistics
Receptions into church
Infant Baptism: 2,812
Minor Baptism: 83
Adult Baptism: 58
Received into Full Communion: 236
First Communions: 2,992
Confirmations (Those already Baptized): 1,756

Catholic: 421
Interfaith: 213

Total Marriages: 634

Total Catholic population: 242,264

Total population: 5,278,975

Statistics as of: December 31, 2023