Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Results for #iGiveCatholic 2022

The results of #iGiveCatholic on Giving Tuesday are in!

The total donations received (for 65 organizations within our diocese) was $794,986. The Diocese of Richmond was ranked #9 out of the 44 participating dioceses/arch dioceses! A link to our results page can be found here.

Additionally, two of our schools (Catholic High School, who raised $183,390 and was #1 on the Diocese of Richmond’s leaderboard, and Roanoke Catholic School, who raised $140,143.25 and was #2 on our leaderboard), were also ranked #9 and #13 respectively on the National #iGiveCatholic leaderboard for amount raised! This was out of 1,561 participating ministries. Both schools raised nearly three times more than their respective donation goals.

Nationally, #iGiveCatholic raised $18,529,000 for Catholic organizations across the country.