Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Statement from Bishop Knestout Concerning Remarks Attributed to Pope Francis

For Immediate Release: October 24, 2020

Bishop Barry C. Knestout Statement Following Recent News Coverage of Pope Francis’ Film “Francesco” and Comments Within the Film Regarding Civil Unions

(RICHMOND, Va.) – I’d like to take this opportunity to provide clarity on recent reports shared about the Holy Father and comments attributed to him in a documentary film titled “Francesco.” Context is crucial in understanding what Pope Francis said.

As we learn more in which the manner of the 20 second clip is edited, it’s important to remember there has been no change in Catholic Church teaching regarding marriage. The reflections by the Holy Father were not statements within an encyclical, apostolic letter nor has there been any adjustment to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.*

Our Holy Father has consistently upheld church teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman. (CCC 1660) Nothing he is reported to have said should indicate that he strayed from that teaching.

What should be noted in his words are the pastoral care and concern that he expresses. His statement is in keeping with the Church’s teaching that all people are to be treated with the dignity, respect and compassion that is rooted in the Gospel, since we are all created in God’s image. (CCC 2358).

Let us continue to hold the Holy Father in prayer.


*The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is a book containing the fundamental beliefs and essential content of Catholic faith and morals.