Good Samaritan, Amelia Court House; Saint Gabriel, Chesterfield; Saint John Neumann, Powhatan; Saint Kim Taegon, Richmond
Our Lady of the Rosary, Crozet
Church of the Redeemer, Mechanicsville; Holy Rosary, Richmond; Saint Benedict, Richmond; Saint Elizabeth, Richmond; Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Quinque; Saint John, Highland Springs; Saint Mary of the Annunciation, Ladysmith; Saint Patrick, Richmond; Saint Paul, Richmond; Saint Peter, Richmond; Saint Timothy, Tappahannock; Saint Ann, Ashland
Cultural Awareness: Discussing Culture through the Lens of the Synodal Principles
The day will commence with a brief reflection, followed by group discussions on how the synodal principles of communion, participation, and mission help us manage the challenges of diversity.