Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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General Media Guidelines

The Communications Office of the Diocese of Richmond works for the Bishop of Richmond to ensure a clear, consistent message is delivered regarding the work of this local Catholic Church. As a result the following is in place:

  • All media inquiries must go through the Diocese of Richmond’s Office of Communications and should be directed to: Deborah Cox, Director of Communications, office (804) 622-5161, cell (804) 971-7412, or by email at [email protected].
  • The Director of Communications will evaluate the request, determine the media deadline and work to respond to the inquiry as best as possible.
  • If a reporter, photographer, or video crew shows up unexpectedly at your institution, contact the Director of Communications before allowing them on the grounds of the property.  Depending on the nature of the request, the Director of Communications will determine if any other authorized representative is directed to speak with a member of the media.


The following procedures are in place, so members of the media are receiving reliable, up-to-date and accurate information from the Diocese.



(Updated February 9, 2019)