Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Head Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach at Peninsula Catholic High School (Newport News)

Peninsula Catholic High School is looking for quality candidates to fill the position of Head Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach.

Responsibilities include:

  • Plan, organize, and conduct practice sessions and adjust coaching techniques based on the strengths and needs of players.
  • Arrange sports-related activities such as training camps, skills improvement courses, and pre-season tryouts.
  • Evaluate the players’ skills and review their performance records to determine their fitness levels.
  • Strategize gameplay, aimed at ensuring success during each game session.
  • Explain and enforce safety rules and regulations to players and ensure they comprehend them correctly.
  • Motivate team members by providing them with positive feedback and assisting them through their challenges.
  • Monitor each player to determine strengths and needs, and ensure they are addressed immediately.
  • Create and implement practice sessions that are instructive and stimulating.
  • Model sports-like behavior and maintain appropriate conduct towards players and spectators.


Basketball coaching experience required.

Application deadline is  April 15, 2024, or until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resumé, Diocesan application, and references to:

Christopher Harper
Director of Athletics
Peninsula Catholic High School
600 Harpersville Rd.
Newport News, Va. 23601

Peninsula Catholic High School, a college preparatory high school in Newport News, serves students of all faith traditions in grades 8-12.  Please visit for more information on our dynamic, innovative school.

Our Mission: Our community develops young men and women into spiritually, intellectually, and morally mature citizens, prepared to lead in a global and diverse society, by providing a supportive and disciplined college preparatory environment rooted in the Catholic tradition.