Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Julio Reyes Ordained to the Diaconate

Deacon Julio Reyes was ordained a transitional deacon by His Excellency, Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños Avelar, bishop of Zacatecoluca, El Salvador on October 13, 2019 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond.

During the Rite of Ordination for the Order of the Diaconate, Julio prostrates himself in an act of humble prayer and surrender to God while the Litany of Supplication is sung. Prostration is the ancient posture of supplication, symbolic of dying to the old self and rising. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

Following the successful completion of his studies at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, Florida, Deacon Reyes hopes to be ordained to the priesthood in his home diocese of Zacatecoluca, and then anticipates serving in the Diocese of Richmond for a number of years.

He began formation with the other seminarians of the Diocese of Richmond in 2015, after a sponsorship was established between the bishops of Richmond and Zacatecoluca.

Julio kneels before his bishop for the laying on of hands. The gesture, rooted in Scripture and Tradition of the Church, signifies the conferral of the Holy Spirit. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños places the Book of Gospels into Deacon Julio Reyes’ hands as a sign of his duty to preach the faith of the Church in word and in deed. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

Newly ordained Deacon Julio Reyes takes his place at the side of Bishop Knestout following the rite. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

Bishop Barry C. Knestout, the principal celebrant of the ordination Mass attended by more than 400 people, delivered the homily.

Instructing the deacon to “always focus on the Lord,” Bishop Knestout said, “The Gospel speaks of love — a particular call to charity. Be a minister of charity, an icon of God’s love. Assist all of us along the way to be an example of that charity. Guide the whole Church toward life and love.”

Bishop Knestout was principal celebrant and homilist at the ordination Mass of Julio Reyes, Sunday, Oct. 13, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. (Photo/Michael Mickle)