Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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William Buckley, Armando Herrera and Christopher Weyer Ordained as Transitional Deacons

May 23, 2022

The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond, had a full house for the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday, May 21, 2022, when Bishop Barry C. Knestout ordained William Buckley, Armando Herrera and Christopher Weyer as transitional deacons.

(Photos/Michael Mickle)

In his homily, Bishop Knestout spoke about the importance of encountering one another in living the faith, reflecting upon it and handing it on to others.

“As ordained deacons, you now begin your service in word and charity for the Church,” he told the three ordinands. “Like those who have handed on the faith before you, you, too, must turn to the Lord with a complete faith, a renewed faith in God, if your efforts are to be fruitful in your ministry as deacons.”

The bishop noted the challenges the new deacons will face and encouraged them to rely on the grace of God and constant prayer in those moments.

“To be a servant is not an easy task; one’s own will and preferences are often put aside for the task at hand for the commission one is given. Yet the reward for such sacrificial love is great and yet ultimately eternal,” Bishop Knestout said, adding that the newly ordained should “do the will of God from the heart” by serving the people in love and joy.

“Never allow yourselves to be turned away from the hope offered by the Gospel,” he continued. “Now you are not only a bearer of this Gospel, but also its minister.”