Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Ministry > Servant of God, Francis J. Parater

To help spread the devotion to Servant of God Frank Parater, please share how you are asking for his intercession. We would love to share how he is interceding for the Universal Church and this local Church of Richmond. Additionally, if you would like Masses offered for particular needs, asking for Frank’s intercession during a celebration of a Votive Mass in honor of Frank Parater, please let us know so that we can request Masses for your specific intention.

Please complete the information below, which will allow the Chancellor’s Office to review the submission before it is posted or an intention is sent to priests of the Diocese to offer Mass.

    * Your Name

    * Email Address

    Phone Number

    Parish Name/City


    If your parish is not within the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, please leave the above blank and fill out the fields below:

    Would you like to be contacted by the Office promoting the Cause of Frank Parater?

    * Submit your prayer intention:

    If you would like a Votive Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart, please provide your intention below. Your intention will be conveyed to priests in the diocese either anonymously, or with your name if you provide it.

    Name of person asking for the Mass

    Mass Intention Request

    $10 is a suggested Mass offering. If you are able to make an offering, please submit a check Made out to “Diocese of Richmond” with “Mass offering, Frank Parater” in the “Memo” line. Please send the check to:
    Cause of Servant of God, Frank Parater
    Office of the Chancellor
    7800 Carousel Lane
    Richmond, Virginia 23294

    I will send a Mass offering

    Servant of God Frank Parayer, intercede for us!

    “Remember, the Sacred Heart
    never fails those who love Him.”