Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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Haiti Commission

The Haiti Ministry Commission purpose is to assists in programmatic support, advisement, direction, and accountability for the Office of Social Ministries and the Diocesan Haiti Ministry.  Within the Commission, there are Support Teams that assist the parishes as they strive to build dynamic and flourishing relationships with our Haitian Partners. Specific areas of ministry that hold a central role in global partnerships divide each Team. The three specific areas include: Education, Healthcare and Partnership/Sustainability.


Haiti Ministry Commission Main Goals and Objectives:

  1. To work in solidarity with people in developing countries, Haiti.
  2. To advise the Bishop in global solidarity, in particular Haiti.
  3. To evaluate and revise, on an annual basis, the pastoral plan on global partnership ministries and be responsible for its implementation.
  4. To promote awareness and encourage participation throughout the diocese in the global partnership, especially Haiti.
  5. To foster effective communication and collaboration between the various Haiti ministry areas and committees.
  6. To coordinate diocesan wide activities which promote and support Global Partnership (Haiti Outreach) and bring awareness to the Haiti Ministry.
  7. To support and collaborate with the Office of Social Ministries in the creation of an annual financial and programmatic report on Haiti Ministry.
  8. To establish relationships with USCCB, CRS, the Virginia Catholic Conference, and counterparts in in Haiti to work on public policy and justice issues affecting Haiti and other developing countries.
  9. To approve all new Team projects proposals according to the established “Peer Review” policies.

Haiti Commission Members

The Haiti Commission membership comprises of the entire membership of the three support teams of the commission, as well as standing members who do not belong to any of the three support teams.

Click here to see all the members of the Haiti Commission

Get involved

Individuals may identify themselves or be recommended by others to apply for membership to the Commission. Each potential member will fill out an application form and submit a reference from their pastor certifying their good standing at their parish, as well as their participation in their parish’s twinning ministry. Following the New Member review process, the Commission will recommend the new members to the Director of the Office of Social Ministries. The Director of the Office of Social Ministries will finalize the appointment request of new members to the Commission and submit the request to the Bishop for his approval of the new member.

If you need more information on how to become part of the Haiti Commission, please contact the Office of Social Ministries.

Commission Meeting Minutes

Haiti Commission Meeting Minutes July 19, 2023

Haiti Commission Meeting August 23, 2023

In Lieu of September Commission Meeting

Haiti Commission Meeting Minutes October 18, 2023

Haiti Commission Meeting 11-15-23

Haiti Commission Meeting 12-20-23

Haiti Commission Meeting January 17, 2024

Haiti Commission Agenda – Minutes February 21

Haiti Commission March 20, 2024 Mtg

Letter to Haiti Twins 3-2024

Haiti Commission Minutes April 17