Catholic Diocese of Richmond

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RCIA Team Training

Just beginning in RCIA Ministry?  Click here to learn some basics and then sign up for the TeamRCIA newsletter.

Next, tell us in the Office of Christian Formation so that we can add you to our newsletter list.

All RCIA team members should also register for the TeamRCIA weekly newsletter. It contains instructional posts and access to occasional free webinars on topics across the ministry.  Sign up here.

All RCIA team members benefit from owning their own book of the rites, study edition. Reading the introductions to each stage of the RCIA provides guidance for journeying with the seekers, as well as discernment criteria for celebrating the rites throughout the process. Click Here to purchase the book.

All RCIA team members should consider themselves a catechist (a sharer of the faith) and should complete the diocesan training for catechists called Pathways: Delivered. Check with your parish formation leader and see more here.

For specifics on children in the RCIA, please click here.

Books for further understanding of Initiation Ministry:

The Office of Christian Formation offers online trainings called RCIA Roundtable. Registration information is shared through the newsletter. Past trainings that were recorded can be accessed here:

Marriage and the Sacraments: A Zoom conversation with Msgr. Muench. A dialogue covering various marriage “issues” that may be present in those seeking initiation or full communion and pointers on how to work through them. Watch this recording here.

Preparation for the Rites of Sending and Election – The rites provide clues to the preparation we should do with our catechumens, their Godparents and the community so that all can fully participate in these celebrations. A handout for mystagogical reflection is also available. Watch this recording here.

Emmanuel…God with Us – Matthew’s Gospel begins with a statement from Isaiah: “Emmanuel…God is with us” (1:23). Mark Hoggard teaches us how Matthew’s Gospel is arranged within the Lectionary narrative to serve the liturgical year. We are challenged to be people who hear and believe, and then go out and share, the Good News with “all nations”. Attached to the video you will find supplemental resources for further learning.

Luke’s Jesus: Herald of Healing and Peace. As we journey through Cycle C of the lectionary cycles, we are immersed in the Gospel of Luke. Watch this video and review this document to learn more so that you can share with others.

Keeping the Mystery in Mystagogy. While we failed to record Colleen Campbell’s video presentation, you can review the PP slides to see the main content to learn more about what mystagogy is, and is NOT, and how we can effectively use this in all our ministry.

For a great example of how to use mystagogical reflection in our daily life, watch the recording of Faith Lessons Learned in the Pandemic by Dr. Kevin Dowd.